Farm Environment Plan

Farm Details: Avon Glen


Farm Owner

Rikon Projects Ltd
Island Cliff 9491
91 Tilverstowe Rd

Brock and Gemma Hamilton
021 189 3061

Physical address and legal description:
193 Tilverstowe Rd: LOT 1 DP 23464 

225 and 295 Tilverstowe Rd: Part Lot C DP 1385 

91 Tilverstowe Rd: Lot 2 DP 461559 


Dairy Supply Number 36151

Total property area: 385.3ha

Effective Area: 285ha

Irrigation Area: 272.8ha

Pivot: 149.7ha

Fixed Grid: 75.4ha

K-line: 35.4ha

Hard Hose: 12.3ha

Effluent: 98ha total discharge area.


Irrigation Management

Irrigation Design

Designs and sprinkler charts are available in the shed for pivots. Fixed grid designs available online in the FEP Maps folder.

The fixed grid is being self-installed in stages to replace K-line.  A pivot is being assembled in W4/W5 to replace K-line.

Irrigation Scheduling

A calibrated handheld Campbell Scientific HS2 probe is used to measure soil moisture before irrigation is started, or restarted after rain to ensure soil moisture deficit can accommodate the irrigation application from each irrigation type as determined by bucket testing.

The HS2 is calibrated for Ngapara Silt Loam which is the dominant soil type on Avon Glen.

Ngapara soil has 58mm Profile Available Water to 30cm. For a pasture rooting depth of 300mm the Readily Available Water is 29mm.

Pahau soil on the flats has 47mm Profile Available Water to 30cm. For a pasture rooting depth of 300mm the Readily Available Water is 23mm. Most of this soil is irrigated by pivot and fixed grid but 13ha is irrigated by a gun which we run at faster speeds to apply 39mm every ten days. We also suspect this soil is not actually Pahau as per SMap, as it drains well and is not stoneless. Nevertheless, we manage the gun for the risk of over watering by running it for lower application rates and long returns which are extended further if there is rain and when cows are in the paddock (for about a week of each month).

The Hydrosense II soil moisture meter reads 45% Volumetric Water Content in saturated soil and 14% in soil with wilting grass.

For Ngapara’s 58mm PAW the readily available water on the Hydrosense II is in the range of 30%-45%, but with the upper part of that range being above field capacity we don’t irrigate unless we get down to 30%.

Irrigation applications are managed only by trained staff and are recorded online with records going back seven years.

Irrigation Water Optimisation

Brock and Kayne are doing online training through Irrigation NZ. On farm training is recorded for each staff member on a template. A library of training resources is available.

Operating Procedures

Incident Report Procedure


Preseason checks are guided by a checklist.

Light maintenance is carried out by staff and recorded. A historic maintenance summary is available, and maintenance is now recorded online or as a photographic record.

Heavier maintenance is undertaken by engineer Johnny Grumball (027 488 2099) or mechanic Aidan Maw (021 132 8655), and electrical work by Calect Electrical (03 436 0063).

Bucket Tests are carried out to assess performance of each pivot and Fixed Grid.

Irrigator Settings and actual application depth:

Fixed Grid is monitored for correct performance. Software is used to control, schedule and monitor the system. Spare radios and batteries are kept to swap out non-communicative or failed units.

End of season checks include draining lines, detaching K-Lines from hydrants and moving to fence lines, and parking pivots in wind safe spots. Fixed grid units are inhibited to conserve battery life.

Water Use (Non-Irrigation Water)

Soils and Nutrients




Effluent discharge subject to permit RM23.830. Storage is a permitted activity.

See effluent management plan.

Winter Grazing

Consent RM23.056.01 and RM23.056.02.

See winter grazing plan.

Waterway and CSA Management

CSA Management

Refer to CSA management plan.

Waterbody Management

The Awamoko creek runs across the northern part of the property and four springs in the main gullies drain into the Awamoko.

Point Source Management

Mahinga Kai, Biodiversity and Biosecurity Management


Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management
